chiropractic treatments

Know Everything About the History Of Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractic treatment has been trusted for many years as it provides pain relief from different kinds of pain without any side effects. Moreover, it works on the root cause of the pain and does not only believe in suppressing the pain. So, if you are also suffering because of any kind of pain, you can take help from a chiropractor Tallahassee to experience positive changes. Chiropractic care has become popular as a medical practice just in recent years. However, it originated many years back.

How did chiropractic treatment originate?

Today’s present form of chiropractic treatment was not like this a few years back. It started becoming popular before the 20th century. However, the story of its origin is quite interesting. As you must have heard, Hippocrates is one of the fathers of medicine. He was a Greek physician who was known for his knowledge and expertise in the field. He has seen how spine manipulation and adjustments were beneficial. Some of the treatments depicted by him are quite similar to the chiropractic treatment that we rely on today with the help of a Tallahassee chiropractor.

This concept became popular and got the attention of people all over the world only because of Hippocrates. In various historical places, one can find proof of treatments similar to chiropractic care being used even then. Once this concept became popular in America, everything took shape and chiropractic treatment came into existence.

Daniel David Palmer and his contribution to chiropractic treatment

David Palmer was the first person who shared the idea of chiropractic care. He resided in Davenport, Iowa where he experienced the advantages of spinal adjustments. This was after he got to know about the story of Harvey Lillard. He also saw its benefits when he performed it on Harvey Lillard. This was after he felt that he was facing hearing issues because of his back. He found relief after Palmer helped him with spinal adjustments.

Once it was proven that this works, Daniel Palmer decided to name the technique. For this, he took help from one of his friends, Rev. Samuel Weed. Two Greek terms ‘cheir’ which means hand and ‘praktos’ which means done were combined to name it. The literal meaning is to be done by hand. This is truly what chiropractic care is all about.

To get help from a chiropractor near me who is experienced and reliable, get in touch with our chiropractor, Dr. Eric Pragle at our chiropractor clinic, Pragle Chiropractic, Car Accident And Massage Clinic Tallahassee. We will ensure to offer you a safe and effective treatment plan based on your specific needs and requirements.

Contact us today to book an appointment!

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