Can Whiplash Occur Without Apparent Injuries? Exploring the Impact on FAMU Students

3027Have you ever found yourself wondering about the result of those unexpected jolts?  The abrupt halt of a quick stop may not lead to visible evidence of bruises or bumps but neck might just be doing the covert cha-cha. Studies reveal that a large number of whiplash cases go undiagnosed or untreated because symptoms might not …

Insurance coverage after auto accidents: A guide for FSU Students

3023Auto accidents can deliver a dual blow to FSU students. The costs associated with car accident treatments can be staggering. The impact becomes even deeper when students are already struggling with a shoestring budget. When an unexpected accident occurs it shatters physical well-being as well as the financial stability of students. A fender bender can create …

Relieving Upper Back Pain: Ergonomic Solutions for FSU Students

3021Students at the Florida State University (FSU) are often seen juggling with rigorous coursework, extracurricular commitments and never ending demands of academic life. In their busy schedules, upper back pain has become a growing concern. Recent surveys indicate that a significant portion of FSU students is grappling with upper back pain during their academic journey. A …